Busy Nights Real Food
Thursday, January 26, 2006
  Lucky Number 7
I had to work until 7 tonight after a really long day and came home to Funkbobito stirring up some yummy Fettucini Alfredo. It was great and I ate it too fast to catch a picture.

Well Patti over at Adventures in Food and Wine tagged me for the 7's cooking meme so here we go.

7 Culinary Things to do Before I Die
1. Make a prime rib
2. Make fois gras
3. Eat at the 10 best restaurants in the US
4. Learn to make really good sushi
5. Become a really good bread baker
6. Take a cooking class from a professional gourmet chef
7. Learn about wine pairings (I am so clueless here that it may take me a lifetime to learn)

7 Things I Can't Do In the Kitchen
1. Basically anything with potatoes
2. Clean as I go. It ain't cookin' unless you use every dish.
3. Find the measuring spoon I need.
4. Remember to not touch the meat thermometer when it comes out of the oven
5. Debone (is that a word?) a chicken or fish
6. Finish a gallon of milk before its expiration date
7. Fit another condiment in my refridgerator

7 Thinkgs That Attract Me to Food Blogging
1. I get to release those creative juices
2. Its fun to use a fake name
3. I've made some fun online friends
4. It keeps me trying new recipes
5. I am getting better at using my camera
6. I feel loved when I get comments
7. I get to bore all of you with my ramblings rather than Funkbobito

7 Things I Say Most Often While Cooking
1. Sh!t
2. Where is the damn tablespoon? (immediately followed by...)
3. How many 1/8 tsps in 3 tablespoons?
4. Funkbobito can you run to the store real quick?
5. Don't touch that, its really hot (and less than a minute later...)
6. Sh!t Sh!t Sh!t. I burnt my hand again
7. Well...I don't know if this will taste very good, but I was trying something new (sheepish grin).

7 Cookbooks I Love
1. America's Test Kitchen Family Cookbook
2. Best of Cooking Light
3. How to Cook Everything, Mark Bittman
4. 30 Minute Meals 2
5. Cookies by the Dozen
6. Cooking Light Superfast Suppers
7. Grilled Cheese: 50 Recipes to make you melt

7 Cooking Shows I Can Watch Over and Over
1. Good Eats
2. Ham on the Street (its a new one and has sucked me in)
3. Anything with Tyler Florence
4. Everyday Food
5. Semi-homemade with Sandra Lee (its like a trainwreck, I can't turn it off)
6. Iron Chef (original version only)
7. Any of the Food TV specials about cooking contests

I have seen a lot of people who have done this meme, so if you are reading here and haven't been tagged yet, you are tagged now. Have a great night.
Yeah, I almost put Sandra Lee on mine because if I turn her on, it is hard to look away, just to see what deplorable things she will come up with next!
Haha - I love the things you say most often :)
Brilliant meme, consider yourself tagged!
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