WDB # 3
Well, its time for Weekend Dog Blogging #3 with
Sweetnicks. So this weeks entry shows a new and old take on the weekend.
Well this is actually not my dog to show off, but really how could I resist? This is Lilo and she's the new wiener dog puppy one of the guys in our wedding party bought. I know, I know, it doesn't really seem like a guys dog (I mean she is all of 4 pounds). He actually bought her for a friend's little girl and then they decided they couldn't accept it. So here is his act of friendship. She is a little spitfire. We are good buddies and love to play together, until of course her puppy playing leaves yet another welt on my arm (with a 17 year old dog you kind of forget about the puppy biting thing).
And as any proud momma, I must post a pic of my old gal (they say contrast is good in any collection of art, contrast with a theme). Anyways. This is her Christmas morning, dealing with mom practicing with the digital camera I had just opened. As you may be able to tell from the squinting, she could still kind of see last Christmas. I don't know, I think this picture is too funny.
Have great weekend.