Busy Nights Real Food
Monday, September 19, 2005
  2 dishes, not an animal in sight
Well, as you may have noticed from my previous posts, it is a rare night when we don't eat some sort of meat. We are meat lovers and cutting all meat out of our diet is just not something that will happen anytime soon. That being said, I have been trying to work at least one night of meat-free meals into our menu. Tonight was the night. We had Beer Cheese Soup and Spaghetti squash.
As you may be able to tell from the picture, the soup is looking a little bit thin. And it sure was. I looked all over for recipes and decided that the fundraising cookbook from 1986 had as good a recipe as any of them. Well if you happen to know any members of the Kansas City chapter of Pilot Club in the mid-80's you might let them know that their beer cheese soup is too thin. We tried letting it cool, nothing. We tried letting it cook down at a rolling boil, nothing. The flavor was great, but I will have to play with the amount of liquid next time.

Oh well. I work 3 nights this week, so dinner will not be made too often, but I plan to throw together some other treats and maybe a few freezable servings of dinners for other late night shifts.
OOoo, beer cheese soup was big when we lived in Minnesota!! They would put popcorn on top - I though that was odd :p

Thanks for the birthday wishes yesterday, Punky!!
If you want to take another whack at Beer Cheddar Soup, try my recipe (put it up Sunday) - it's really great tummy-warming food.
I really like to make dinners that have a few extra servings to freeze for lunches or dinner if we don't happen to have time to make anything too. I've only tried that type of soup a couple times but might have to make it and give it another try!
I used to make my ex a beer cheese soup( with popcorn on top). She;s from MN too.
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