Whoa, Deja Vu
So I had the day off, so I got to do the gas price run. Found it the same price everywhere, but decided to get my whopping 3 cents off by showing my grocery receipt. So I head to the grocery store. On my list, only one thing...snow peas. So in I go. After about 20 minutes and running into a woman who shops at the store I work at, I go to check out. What do I buy? A DVD, a pound of ground turkey, a Luna bar, a box of cheese crackers (like cheeze-its but organic brand), a Diet Coke and my snow peas. $20 later I finally got out of that store. Someday I am going to go to a grocery store and really just buy what is on my list.
So tonight I made
Chinese-style roasted pork from the Sept issue of Cooking Light. And wow, I am having a major case of deja vu. It tastes remarkably like the
Pacific Rim Pork Sandwiches, also from Cooking Light. Actually the only difference between the 2 recipes is like 2 or 3 ingredients. Both are wonderful, and I have the same complaint about both of them...Where's the sauce? At times I think maybe I should have named this blog "All things Saucy". I love sauces of all sorts, but since I can't make a respectable sauce it probably would have been a misnomer. Anyways, if I ever have the foresight to make extra sauce that isn't all yucked up by the raw meat. Ahhh, maybe someday.

I also wanted to send my thoughts and prayers to those who have been affected by the Hurricane on the Gulf Coast. And though I know she will never see this blog (since she doesn't have a computer) I want to send my love to my Great Aunt Corrie in MS. I hope you are okay and that I can get ahold of you soon.