Busy Nights Real Food
Thursday, August 11, 2005
  It tastes like chicken
So I did it and I would have posted sooner, but I really didn't have the energy. This whole roasting thing wore me out. But the chicken turned out great and I am still alive. So here are a few pictures to show you my journey.

Here's our girl. I realize it is a bit of a candid photo, but I checked her ID and she is definetly legal. 1st lesson I learned? There are a lot of gross looking parts of a raw chicken (like the fat glob that used to be her tush)

Good God it's got feathers. I seriously almost turned back at this point. I called my best friend to get support and then tried to pretend they weren't there. You think for such an important occasion she could have plucked or something.

So she's tied and all seasoned up. I combined about 3 recipes that some kind souls offered up. She is stuffed with lemons, garlic, and fresh rosemary sprigs. Under her skin is a little bit of butter and some Herbs de Provence. As her skin cover-up we threw on some olive oil, salt and pepper. Does anyone get the sense by looking at this picture that she could have been the henmate of the month?

Well, here she is, all cooked up. By the time we got her cooked I had filled up on beer and leftover bakery bread, but by God I was going to eat some of this bird if it killed me. She was super juicy, I would have liked it a little drier. The taste was great and the dark meat (which I normally avoid) was to die for.

All in all, I may never make it again, but at least I know how to do it now. The rest of the meal was great. We had B.O.B.'s Mashed Potatoes; CL's Sour Cream, Cheddar and Green Onion Drop Bisuits; steamed broccoli. And for dessert Chunky PB Cookies and Mint Chocolate Wafer Cookies. Yummy.

Yay! Way to go, I knew you could do it! You should consider yourself a genius to be able to roast a chicken that is actually too juicy... most people have trouble getting it to be juicy enough... Anyway, love your pictures and your story (henmate of the month..ha!) Cross one off your list of culinary feats...
Congratulations! The chicken looks wonderful.

I have recently started roasting chicken myself. I need to learn how to truss one...so some cookbook author says anyway. :)
Yay! Congrats Punky! I would have stopped after the fat blob! She seems to be enjoying the bondage... hahaha.

Great job!! Now you can invite us all over for a Roasted Chicken Dinner :)
Way to go! See - you knew you could do it! It is time consuming but worth it!
Thanks for all the encouragement everyone. It actually turned out pretty tasty. And thanks to all of you who gave me roasting tips, they helped a lot.
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