Blah, blah, blah
The bare fridge is just a symbol of the blah type day I am having. Nothing there to get excited about. I made Creme-filled chocolate cookies last night and would have taken a pic to post here, but alas, there weren't any left to take pictures of. They were pretty tasty in my opinion, but I am not a real strong baker so I will have to practice them a few more times.
Hopefully I will get some good recipes in this week, but we will have to go to the store before that is an option. I am working on the editing of my master's thesis today in order to shorten it for a professional confrence presentation. You know what goes good with these types of tedious tasks, Nacho Cheese Doritos, but since I am not eating those anymore I guess my carrot sticks will have to do. Well "blah" has infected this blog and I am off to find the perfect cure in my to-try recipe list.