Busy Nights Real Food
Monday, August 08, 2005
  7 minutes to full
Well tonight was menu planning and grocery night. We went to the new grocery store down the street. It is huge, super clean, great deals (we saved almost $13). They put a tortillaria in that makes fresh tortillas everyday. I am excited to try the corn tortillas (36 of them for only $1.39).

Anyways, by the time we got home we were starving and decided to make the Garlic Shrimp with Chili. This was really easy and fast. Next time I will add more garlic, more red pepper flakes, and maybe some cayenne (a combo of this recipe and Dirty Shrimp in Butter-Beer Sauce). My fiance insists that we use more butter next time so he gets more sauce to sop up with his bread. I say, you can't go too wrong with more butter (my butt disagrees). Just served with a simple salad. Nothing too gourmet, but still tasty and was on the table in less than 10 minutes (always a bonus when someone else peels the fresh shrimp for you).

Tomorrow will be some pork lo mein (a light recipe to make up for the 1/2 stick of butter that we each had on our shrimp tonight, oops). And the countdown starts for the chicken. 2 days to roasting. Bought the bird tonight and am just trying to finalize the recipe (and figure out what the hell trussing is). Oh well, pics of the bird will be a plenty. Hey did you know that the twine for tying together chicken legs is sold by the lightbulbs? After going up and down every aisle at the new grocery store I learned this important fact (of course I had to call my mom in Chicago to find out if this was the kind I was supposed to use). 1st challenge down, can only imagine how many more I will have.
Interesting place to find the twine! I would of never thought to look there!
Can't wait for the roasted chicken experience! Hee hee. And yeah, twine by the light bulbs?? Who'da thunk!
the new supermarket is nice there isn't it? much nicer than the old one!
I just stumbled on your blog today but am happy to have found it. I was just thinking the other day, I like to read food blogs but it's a shame I haven't found any from this area. Now I found yours and will most definitely be a reader!
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